Free2Succeed, Cooking as a First Language, Go to Bed!, Becoming an In-Law, Food for Hope, Sexual Education

Free2Succeed, Cooking as a First Language, Go to Bed!, Becoming an In-Law, Food for Hope, Sexual Education

The Lisa Show

  • Mar 10, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:41:09 mins
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Free2Succeed (0:00:00) As of 2019, almost 2.3 million people are in jail in the United States. For those who have been in jail for months, years, or even decades, readjusting to the world outside of prison can be overwhelming. That is what inspired the creation of Free2Succeed, a program through the Idaho Department of Correction that helps inmates nearing the end of their prison sentence reenter their communities. Today we are joined by its founder, Jeff Kirkman, who’s here to talk with us about his program, issues that inmates face and how to help. Cooking as a First Language (0:15:16) Food is unifying. It brings friends and families together at dinner time and for the holidays. But it can also bring whole communities together and help us connect with people from different cultural backgrounds or from countries who speak different languages. And as America continues to bring in people from all over the world, knowing how to make these connections is becoming more important. Our next guest recognized the power of food as something we can use to find common ground with people in our community. Lauren McElwain is the founder of Cooking as A First Language, a cooking class she started to help people connect with those from different backgrounds. Go to Bed! (0:34:35) Perhaps you find yourself yawning throughout the day. It’s hard to get the full, recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep when we’re constantly pulled from our bed by family, work, and our phones. Are we just doomed to be constantly tired? To answer this question, we invited Dr. Susheel Patil, a sleep expert who teaches at John Hopkins School of Medicine, on the show to teach us more about how to maximize our sleepy times. Becoming a In-law (0:50:36) Your first child just got married. You’ve sent the happy couple off on their honeymoon, gathered the gifts, and cleaned up the reception center. The wedding might be over, but a whole new chapter has just begun. You’re now a mother-or father-in-law. We’ve all heard horror stories about monster in-laws, so how can we be the best in-laws possible? Well friend of the show Jeanette Bennett is right in the thick of this transition of becoming a new mother-in-law. Her two oldest kids got married within one month of each other, so we have invited her on the show to talk about her new role as a mother-in-law. Food for Hope (1:06:55) Last year, over 29 million children participated in the free or reduced-price lunch program. It’s great to have these resources available to so many struggling families and students. However, it comes at a high cost—over 13 billion dollars! With this high maintenance price, the government can’t afford to help students on the weekends and with snacks throughout the day. The city of Thornton, Colorado noticed this issue in 2014 and decided to take action. From there, the nonprofit Food for Hope was born. Here to tell us all about it is Emily Stromquist, the executive director of Food for Hope. Sexual Education (1:25:25) Sexual education can be an uncomfortable topic no matter what age you’re at. But, striving to overcome that awkwardness will only help us prepare for the conversations about sex that we’re bound to have with doctors, kids, and others in our lives. Today we’re talking with Dr. Anna Cabeca, a menopause and sexual health expert. She’s going to give us some tips on making sexual education a comfortable experience for all parties.