U.S. Forests, Emotional Intelligence, Junk Food and Poverty

U.S. Forests, Emotional Intelligence, Junk Food and Poverty

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 164

  • Jul 12, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 2:22:26 mins

The State of US Forests (17:04) Thomas Straka, Ph. D., a professor of forestry at Clemson University in South Carolina. Utah’s Brian Head forest fire, once the biggest in the country, burned over 72 thousand acres of land and forest.  Currently, crews are still wrapping up and working on containment lines.  This brings the question: How much value do US forest contribute to our country?  The government is exploring cost cutting measures that may affect the national forest service. Thomas Straka explains the current state of US forests. The EQ Leader (1:04:28) Steven Stein, Ph.D.  is a clinical psychologist, and the founder and CEO of Multi-Health Systems (MHS), a leading publisher of scientifically validated assessments for more than 30 years.  Everyone has experienced that moment of annoyance with someone at work who is amazing at their job but not so great with workplace relationships. Put kindly, many companies have tolerated brilliant people with a lack of empathy, but that is beginning to change. Companies are now putting more resources into training their employees to not only be good at their job but to actively strive to build relationships. Dr. Steven Stein has some experience with that and has kindly written us a book discussing emotional intelligence. Dr. Stein’s book, The EQ Leader, discusses the skills that today’s leaders need, but often lack and why they’re critical to successful leadership. Do poor people eat more junk food than wealthier Americans? (1:49:12) Patricia Smith, Ph.D. is a Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Dr. Smith teaches microeconomics and quantitative methods and her research fofocusn poverty, welfare programs, and health (especially obesity). How often do you eat fast food? Dr. Patricia Smith wanted to know if poor people eat more junk food than wealthier Americans, and she shares her results.