Gastrophysics, Chronic Fatigue, Social Media Reflection

Gastrophysics, Chronic Fatigue, Social Media Reflection

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 230

  • Sep 27, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 2:23:53 mins

Gastrophysics (17:42) Charles Spence, Ph.D., is a the Oxford Department of Experimental Psychology and the author of Gastrophysics: The Science of Eating. There are four senses most people think of when eating a meal: taste, touch, sight, and smell.  But there is a 5th sense that can make or break a meal eating experience, sound.  Professor Charles Spence explains the emerging field of Gastrophysics. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (1:04:20) Julie Rehmeyer is an award-winning freelance math and science journalist and contributing editor at Discover magazine.  Imagine for a second that you had an illness that no one understood or even believed in. Think how people would treat you and how frustrating something like that could be. You could be called attention seeking or lazy while your self-esteem and personal morale take hit after hit. That kind of loneliness could be crippling to a person. So how could you survive something like that? In her new book Through the Shadow Lands, science journalist Julie Rehmeyer walks us through her similar experience and how she was able to still find purpose and joy while on the healing path. Makena Bauss - Emotional Diversity (1:32:40) Happiness may be a state of mind, but it’s also a state of the body. Producer Makena Bauss shares a new study that makes the case that happiness is hogging more than its fair share of the attention as the emotion most strongly connected to a healthier body. Social Media Reflection (1:56:50) Jeanette Bennett is founder and editor-in-chief at Bennett Communications, where she primarily focuses on Utah Valley Magazine, BusinessQ Magazine, and Prosper Magazine. Jeanette earned a bachelor's and master's degree in journalism from BYU and has been a regular guest on HuffPostLive. Have you ever seen someone and you can just tell that they’re happy? What is it that makes those happy people so happy? Jeanette Bennett shares some ideas on How to figure out if your social media is portraying the most accurate and positive version of yourself.

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