Messenger to Maftam

Messenger to Maftam

The Apple Seed

  • Aug 15, 2020 1:00 am
  • 56:50 mins
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"Thou Shalt Not Lie". Of course that's one of the "Ten Commandments" written on tablets that Moses brought down with him from Mount Sinai. And regardless of your religious affiliation, if any, that's a principle to which we all ought to aspire. But what if you were incapable of telling lies? That hypothetical is at play in today's Story Spotlight, "Messenger to Maftam" from Odds Bodkin. You'll also hear some great stories from Susan Klein, Tim Lowry, Connie Regan-Blake, and Megan Hicks. It's The Apple Seed with Sam Payne! On today’s episode, enjoy the following: "Messenger to Maftam" by Odds Bodkin "Star Sister" by Susan Klein "Thunder Steals Fire" by Tim Lowry "Lucky Duck" by Connie Regan-Blake "Groundhog Godmother" by Megan Hicks "The Rahjah's Question" by Odds Bodkin