Tuition Free Policy, Cost of Mental Health Care, IHOP Hero

Tuition Free Policy, Cost of Mental Health Care, IHOP Hero

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 150

  • Jun 23, 2016 4:00 pm
  • 2:19:26 mins

Tuition Free Policy (17:10) Dr. Lindsay Page is an assistant professor of research methodology at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a research scientist at the Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh.  College nowadays is incredibly expensive—just ask any current or prospective college student and they’ll tell you. The average cost of college tuition is $32,405 at private universities and around $53,000 if you’re an ivy league student. Since many students struggle with the cost of tuition while maintaining decent grade point averages, Democratic presidential candidates are proposing that universities adopt debt-free or tuition-free policies. Dr. Page claims that tuition-free policies alone aren’t enough to ensure academic success.  Cost of Mental Health Care (1:10:06) Dr. Charles Roehrig is a Vice President, Institute Fellow, and founding director of Altarum’s Center for Sustainable Health Spending. His research interests include timelier tracking of health spending, determining its sustainable growth rate, and modeling its future growth. Healthcare is a billion-dollar industry. Within the Healthcare industry, what does America spend the most money? It’s not cancer, Trauma and Injury, or even heart conditions (although heart conditions were the costliest 10 years ago). Dr. Charles Roehrig talks about the study he conducted about the rising epidemic of Mental Health costs. IHOP Hero (1:46:21) Sherman Fleek is a retired Army Lt. Col, served for 25 years. He is currently Command historian for the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY. He is the recipient of the Secretary of the Army Award for Valor, a civilian awarded that acknowledges acts of heroism or bravery. Imagine waiting to be seated for breakfast at a IHOP, when suddenly you hear a loud noise to look up and see the place is being robbed. What’s your reaction, lay low? Hide? Maybe try and call 9-1-1? Retired Lt. Col. Sherman Fleek didn’t do any of those things. He stepped in and made a difference. A real “Hero of the Day.” Sherman Fleek explains why he stepped up and made a difference.