Future of Jobs, Divorce Talk With Kids, Meet the Producers
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 31
- Feb 5, 2016 7:00 am
- 2:21:47 mins
The End of Work: Rise and Fall of the Job (16:09) Ray Williams is the President of Ray Williams Associates, a firm based in Vancouver, providing executive coaching and professional speaking services. Jobs as we know them are ending. According to research conducted by C.B. Frey and M.A. Osborne in 2013 at Oxford University machines may replace 47% of active workers in the future. Of 1,896 prominent scientists, analysts, and engineers questioned in a recent Pew survey on the future of jobs, 48% of them said the AI revolution will be a permanent job killer on a vast scale. In his article, The End of Work: The Rise and Fall of the Job, Ray Williams discusses the dangers and issues facing the job market. The Divorce Talk With Kids (1:03:30) Vikki Stark, M.S.W. is a Psychotherapist, Marriage Counsellor, Family Therapist and Divorce Counsellor in Montreal. She is the author of “My Sister, My Self: The Surprising Ways that Being an Older, Middle, Younger or Twin Shaped Your Life”, “Runaway Husbands: The Abandoned Wife’s Guide to Recovery and Renewal” and “Divorce Talk: How To Tell The Kids”. Vikki Stark discuss how to discuss a divorce with kids Parent Previews (1:49:05) Rod Gustafson from Parent Previews joins the show to review Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and The Choice Meet the Producers (1:59:01) Student producers Caitlin Thomas and Liana Tan talk with Dr. Townsend about how to respect your elders and play a game called MASH which is a game that helps to predict your future.