Critical Thinking Crisis, Humor and Health, Screen Cleaning

Critical Thinking Crisis, Humor and Health, Screen Cleaning

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 118

  • May 19, 2017 4:00 pm
  • 2:20:53 mins

Emerging Crisis in Critical Thinking (15:54) Stephen Camarata, Ph. D.  is the Director of the Research Program in Communication & Learning at the John F. Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development at Vanderbilt University. Does anyone else remember the days of Baby Mozart music and promises of baby geniuses? Well, those children are graduating high school now or attending college and, instead of a generation of super geniuses, many college students struggle with real world problem solving and critical thinking. Stephen Camarata explains his research.  Humor and Your Health? (1:04:38) Gil Greengross. Ph. D., is a Lecturer in Psychology at Aberystwyth University in Wales, of the United Kingdom. He is an evolutionary psychologist, studying the evolutionary roots of everyday behaviors and emotions. His main area of research focuses on the evolution of humor and laughter, what makes people laugh, and how humor is used in mating and mate choice. We have all heard the old saying "laughter is the best medicine." What effect does humor have on our health? Gil Greengross explains how humor can have an effect on your overall health. Caitlin Thomas - Theme Park Hacks (1:28:35) Summer is right around the corner for most schools which mean more and more families are getting ready to travel and vacation. A common place for families to visit is big theme amusement parks. While they can be fun and the kids love the whole thing, as a parent, it can really stressful. Producer Caitlin Thomas with some tips that might help your theme park vacation a little more of an enjoyable one.  Jeff Simpson - Screen Cleaning (1:34:48) Jeff Simpson offers family friendly entertainment options and discusses the intersection of pop culture and everyday life.