Why We Loathe Leadership Training
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 184 , Segment 1
Loathing Leadership Training, Generosity
Episode: Loathing Leadership Training, Generosity
- Aug 2, 2018 1:00 pm
- 48:41 mins
Sydney Finkelstein, Ph.D., is the Steven Roth Professor of Management and Faculty Director of the Center for Leadership at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Professor Finkelstein has published 20 books and 80 articles, including the #1 bestseller “Why Smart Executives Fail.” His latest book that we talked about back in February is titled “Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Manage the Flow of Talent.” Dr. Finkelstein is here this morning to help talk to us about new ways and rules for motivating others.