Breaking the Rules

Breaking the Rules

The Lisa Show

Breaking the Rules and Teen Stress

Episode: Breaking the Rules and Teen Stress

  • Aug 16, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 19:36 mins

There are some rules in life that just seem to be universally known. Dinner before dessert, always say please and thank you, and never wear white after Labor Day. But while those rules are quite simple, we learn other rules throughout life that are more complex. Have you ever been in a situation where you know what you’ve always been told to do, but right then it didn’t feel right? At times, life can demand our highest thinking to decide for ourselves what is best, despite what we’ve always heard or thought. So how can we know what rules to break and to keep? Today we are talking with Marty Nemko, a personal career coach, named San Francisco’s “Best Career Coach.”