Anti-Intellectual Political Discourse, Sportsmanship, Marriage Age

Anti-Intellectual Political Discourse, Sportsmanship, Marriage Age

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 29

  • Feb 3, 2016 5:00 pm
  • 2:22:51 mins

Political Discourse is Getting Dangerously Anti-Intellectual (17:00) David Niose, attorney and legal director of the American Humanist Association. An attorney who has served as president of two Washington-based humanist advocacy groups, the American Humanist Association and the Secular Coalition for America. He is author of Nonbeliever Nation: The Rise of Secular Americans and Fighting Back the Right: Reclaiming America from the Attack on Reason. David Niose explains how anti-intellectual political discourse is bad for our country. Sportsmanship (1:03:27) Dr. Jennifer Waldron, associate professor of Physical Education and leisure services at the University of Northern Iowa. the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association is trying to correct the practice of game-day taunts, and the students are not thrilled. Are the taunts all in good fun or are they actually detrimental to the players and game experience? Dr. Waldron explains the importance of sportsmanship. Marriageable Age (1:46:20) Dr. Brian Willoughby is an assistant professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. Dr. Willoughby is also the Director of the RELATE Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to studying and improving romantic relationships. Dr. Willoughby's research focuses on young adult dating and relationship patterns. Dr. Willoughby's specific expertise areas include dating, sexuality, cohabitation, marriage formation, and marital attitudes/beliefs. Dr. Willoughby talks with Dr. Townsend about when is the right age to marry.