Isolation and Stigma Drive Record Numbers of Opioid Overdoses

Isolation and Stigma Drive Record Numbers of Opioid Overdoses

Top of Mind with Julie Rose

Managed Retreat, Giant Goldfish, Opioid Epidemic

Episode: Managed Retreat, Giant Goldfish, Opioid Epidemic

  • Jun 21, 2022 6:00 am
  • 21:27 mins

Drug overdose deaths jumped to record levels in 2020 according to the CDC. Opioids – and in particular the synthetic opioid fentanyl – appear to have driven that increase. Peter Canning has watched the opioid overdose crisis unfold from the front seat of an ambulance. The full-time paramedic in Hartford, Connecticut has published a memoir called “Killing Season: A Paramedic’s Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Opioid Epidemic.”