Biographies, Less Known Literature, and Female Scientists

Biographies, Less Known Literature, and Female Scientists

Worlds Awaiting - Season 4, Episode 18

  • May 18, 2019 4:00 pm
  • 57:50 mins
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Biographies (3:41) Historical figures can be looked up to, despised, or forgotten. And no matter how much we’d like to, we can’t sit down and pepper them with questions. That’s where biographies come into play. Deep and thoughtful research by authors can help readers get those answers. Rachel has Candace Fleming on the phone today to talk about her biographies. Storytime (17:24) Libraries are known for their storytimes and we are too. Each week at around 15 minutes past the hour, tune in to hear book reviews or live readings of picture books or poetry. Today we have a book review of "Gaston" by Kelly DiPucchio. Less Known Literature (20:34) Many parents are constantly on the lookout for new books to introduce to their children. While there are many wonderful books available today, there are some amazingly unique and fantastical books that have dropped off the face of the literate world for one reason or another. We’re in studio today with Jamie Horrocks, an English professor here at BYU, to chat about why some of these books aren’t well known anymore.  Female Scientists (37:04)(../../../episode/6ed8908c-d272-471c-950a-5bc7de1a6c70 ?playhead=2224&autoplay=true) Who do you think of when you hear the word “scientist”? Were any of them women? As children grow up it’s essential for them to have role models for the topics that they are passionate about. This includes girls interested in science. Rachel has in the studio today, Rebecca Sansom, a chemistry professor at BYU, to talk to female scientists. Kids and Teens (48:07)(../../../episode/6ed8908c-d272-471c-950a-5bc7de1a6c70 ?playhead=2887&autoplay=true) Today we are around the Librarians' Table with Matt and Nathan from the Orem public library to chat about kids and teens.

Episode Segments