Holiday Cyber Security
  • Nov 26, 2018 4:55 pm
  • 54:11 mins

Happy Cyber Monday listeners! Today is focused on how to keep you safe while your shopping away on your computers for those Cyber Monday deals! Matt first interviews Supervisory Special Agent, Jim LaMadrid, who is an FBI agent and has experience while leading the Salt Lake City Cyber Task Force. We learn from Jim all of the ways people will try to scam you online during your holiday shopping season; he teaches us what to look for and stay away from. In addition, Agent LaMadrid tells us how we can get help from the FBI of we have been the victim of one of these fraudulant scams. Later on in the show Matt interviews Neil Wyler who is a computer security and anylist specialist about the ins and outs of cyber security. Neil shares with us some helpful tips so that we can change our behavior online so we can be safer all around. Relax and enjoy this special episode of the Matt Townsend Show!

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