Unilateral Presidential Power, Raising Teens to Adulthood

Unilateral Presidential Power, Raising Teens to Adulthood

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 304

  • Dec 21, 2016 5:00 pm
  • 2:24:07 mins

How does Obama’s use of unilateral powers compare to other presidents? (15:21) Mark Major is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Penn State University. He is the author of The Unilateral Presidency and the News Media: The Politics of Framing Executive Power. He specializes in American presidency and political communications.  As holding with tradition, President-elect Donald Trump will continue the use of executive unilateral powers to shape and remake America, just as President Obama did. But, what are the executive unilateral powers and where do they come from?  Mark Major explains. 1-2-3 Magic Teen: Communicate, Connect, and Guide Your Teen to Adulthood (1:04:43) Dr. Thomas W. Phelan is a registered clinical psychologist who has worked with children, adults and families for over 35 years. He is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Illinois Psychological Association. From rule-breaking and risk-taking to defensive communication and disrespect, parenting a teenager can feel like modern warfare--but it doesn't have to be that way. Internationally renowned parenting expert Dr. Thomas Phelan. discuss how to communicate with your teens, help your children open up more, and set boundaries for your teens. All of this and more can be found in his book ” 1-2-3 Magic Teen: Communicate, Connect, and Guide Your Teen to Adulthood” The Worst Movies of Christmas (1:30:42) In an effort to help you save time by skipping or avoiding below average entertainment Jeff Simpson shares his Top Worst Christmas Movies. The I-Factor: Building A Great Relationship with Yourself (1:52:32) Van Moody serves as a pastor of the Worship Center in Birmingham, Alabama and is on the board of Joel Osteen’s Champions Network, is a member of Dr. Oz’s Core Team, and is an associate trainer in Japan for Dr. John Maxwell’s EQUIP leadership organization. Van is the author of a few books including, “The People Factor” and his newest book, “The I Factor: How Building a Great Relationship with Yourself Is the Key to a Happy, Successful Life.” It’s so easy when bad things happen in life to blame your circumstances. Maybe you grew up in a broken home or lost a job or are in a foreign country and you use those excuses every time something bad happens. But maybe life isn’t about our external circumstances. Van Moody says “the key to the life you want is inside you.” He teaches us how to understand our identity, significance, and perspective better so that we can manage ourselves and our whole lives well.

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